Falconry Retreat

Falconry is the ancient art of hunting with trained birds of prey. Originating nearly 4,000 years in the far East as a means to provide food for the table, today the sport is a “Natural History Pursuit”. Guests will gain an understanding of raptors and their role within the environment as apex predators.
Falconry outings are typically ½ day in duration and can be scheduled for the morning or afternoon. Guests are asked to dress accordingly, hunt attire and proper footwear. A typical hunt provides participants to witness 3 distinctly different types of birds of prey hunt. The Peregrine Falcon, Northern Goshawk and Harris Hawk will be utilized to pursue three different types of quarry. While the outcome is never certain, the experience is always memorable! You will appreciate the teamwork between the falconer, dog and hawk all working together for a common goal.
How to Schedule a Hunt
As with other forms of hunting, cooler conditions mark the beginning of the season in the Low Country and can be booked from November 1st thru March 15th. To reserve your hunt or should you have specific questions you would like to address regarding pricing or availability, please contact their shop at 912-342-7086 or email adam@ontheflyoutfitters.co .